Nick’s WoodsThe main path runs along Sargent Brook, a healthy cold water stream home to brook trout. An old dam offers a great view looking down the brook. You can also hike through a hilly woodland full of Mountain Laurel and glacial erratics. This trail also offers elevated views of the ravine below.
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Acreage: 65 Type: Property Location: 770 Grove Street, Worcester Trail Distances: Blue Square Trail: 0.5 miles Red Square Trail: 0.4 miles Yellow Square Trail: 0.2 miles Yellow Triangle Trail: 0.1 miles Established: 12/28/2000 (Sargent’s Brook), 8/27/2005 (Nick’s Woods) Features: Large wooded property bisected by Sargent’s Brook, mature sugar maples, glacial erratics, pine grove, cellar holes and old breached dam, extensive frontage on Grove Street Parking: End of Smith Lane Conservation Purposes: