Broad Meadow BrookThe GWLT and Mass Audubon collaborate to manage the Broad Meadow Brook Savanna, a unique natural area containing an oak savanna. This is an open forest community with scattered fire-resistant oak trees, allowing for abundant wild grasses and flowers beneath.
For a complete trail guide see Places to Hike in Greater Worcester Quick Facts
Acreage: 80 Type: Conservation Restriction (Broad Meadow Brook GWLT CR, Ball CR) Location: 414 Massasoit Road, Worcester; 83 Dunkirk Ave, Worcester Established: 5/17/2002 Parking: Extensive parking lot at Mass Audubon facility on Massasoit Road. Free admission for Worcester residents, Mass Audubon members, and GWLT members. $4 admission otherwise ($3 children and seniors). Frontage parking at the end of Dunkirk Ave. Volunteer: Ranger Marengo |